Seurat subset by metadata. あくまで自分の理解のためのものです。.

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Seurat subset by metadata. A vector of identity classes to keep. 1: How to subset using OR, working on the raw counts slot in a seurat object (object): WhichCells (object, slot = 'counts', expression = Gene1 > 0 | Gene2 > 0 | Gene3 > 0 ) How to subset using AND, working on raw Nov 15, 2019 · I'm using Mouse Cell Atlas (mca) data as described here. Options are 'linear' (default), 'poisson', and 'negbinom' use. Default is all assays. The results data frame has the following columns : avg_log2FC : log fold-change of the average expression between the two groups. Project name for the Seurat object Arguments passed to other methods. If you want to preserve idents, you can pull the ident column from the meta. all = 'LTB')) # } Run the code above in your browser using. The number of unique genes detected in each cell. Hi there, What is the recommended way to rename the metadata columns of a Seurat object? So far I do: colnames (Seurat_obj@meta. A vector of cell names or indices to keep. ident'. Description. 1: How to subset using OR, working on the raw counts slot in a seurat object (object): WhichCells (object, slot = 'counts', expression = Gene1 > 0 | Gene2 > 0 | Gene3 > 0 ) How to subset using AND, working on raw May 24, 2019 · Seurat object. ident). info, etc. May 27, 2020 · Maybe you can subset the cells you want first. I tried to add some identities formatted like yours to one of my dataset and my code worked fine. Jan 16, 2019 · It took me a while to figure this out because it doesn't really make sense that the identity of a cell, which I feel most would consider metadata, would be used to exclude a cell when trying to subset based on cell identifiers that are included in the actual data. 3, RUFY1, CD1C, HLA-DQA1, CA2, S100A8, PPBP, GNLY, SDPR # Get the first 10 rows of cell-level metadata head (pbmc_small) #> orig. あくまで自分の理解のためのものです。. Regroup idents based on meta. idents' ) head(x = pbmc_small[[]]) # } <p>Adds additional data to the object. ER_HER_P <- subset(BC3, idents = c("BC03")) Error: No cells found. > Cells <- WhichCells(seurat_object) Then I created a list of the morphologically determined cell types using numbers 1-3 this NOTE: the list is much longer but abbreviated as the first 3 here. merge. data$predicted_cell_type == `0:CD8 T cell`]] answered Apr 14, 2023 at 17:58. min. # set up the working directory. For example, Oct 31, 2023 · This can be used to create Seurat objects that require less space. Increase the clustering resolution parameter to generate more (smaller) clusters, see FindClusters in the Seurat docs. 在单细胞数据分析中,在确定细胞类型后,除了可以进行差异表达基因分析外,还可以针对单个细胞类型进行分析特定分析,这时就需要我们提取细胞子集分开处理了。 # In Seurat v5, users can now split in object directly into different layers keeps expression data in one object, but # splits multiple samples into layers can proceed directly to integration workflow after splitting layers ifnb [["RNA"]] <-split (ifnb [["RNA"]], f = ifnb $ stim) Layers (ifnb) # If desired, for example after intergation, the layers can be joined together again ifnb Jul 3, 2019 · This is because you have cells. # S3 method for Seurat. names = 'LTB', high. 0, we’ve made improvements to the Seurat object, and added new methods for user interaction. matrix <- readRDS(file = "MCA_merged_mat. Since Seurat v3. Features to analyze. Whether or not this will neatly, split your clusters into subclusters depends on your data, but normally one can easily separate CD4 and NK cells from PBMCs. Will subset the You signed in with another tab or window. <p>Splits object based on a single attribute into a list of subsetted objects, one for each level of the attribute. project. 16K" datasets, which both have a response column with values "R" and "NR", I visualized it by group. 3: AAACGGGAGGTTCCTA. ). csv(file = "MCA_All-batch-removed-assignments The metadata contains the technology ( tech column) and cell type annotations ( celltype column) for each cell in the four datasets. The demultiplexing function HTODemux() implements the following procedure: pbmc_filtered <- FilterCells(. features. ident =="variable1") FeaturePlot (object, features= variable1. umi. ids. Apr 18, 2019 · Then trying to subset the data: variable1 = subset (x= object, subset = orig. subset: A subsetted Seurat object. DimPlot( object, dims = c (1, 2), cells = NULL, cols Sep 30, 2020 · Hi. How to perform subclustering and DE analysis on a subset of an integrated object #1883. cell. For cells in each ident, set a new identity based on the most common value of a specified metadata column. Apr 4, 2023 · The data to be added must have the same row. The metadata contains the technology ( tech column) and cell type annotations ( celltype column) for each cell in the four datasets. column] <- "new. 5) # Subset on a combination of criteria subset (x = pbmc, subset = MS4A1 > 2. Otherwise, will return an object consissting only of these cells. by = "ident") Mar 19, 2022 · I have a Seurat object that I have run through doubletFinder. If TRUE, merge layers of the same name together; if FALSE, appends labels to the layer name. So far, I was able to identify the cells in my metadata: `# Adding Rbfox3 status to Seurat object to be subsetted. Mar 20, 2024 · Multi-Assay Features. Store current identity information under this name. Mar 22, 2024 · Subsets a Seurat object based on a specified identity column and values. R Seurat package. It allows for an optional inversion of the selection. anastasiiaNG mentioned this issue on Feb 10, 2022. however, when i use subset (), it returns with Error. j, cells. To add the metadata i used the following commands. 5: AAACGGGGTGAACCTT. Use a linear model or generalized linear model (poisson, negative binomial) for the regression. However, a new group of datapoints "NA" exists only in visualization. object, subset = my. > MorphCellTypes = c(1,2,3) Then I merged # Save filtered subset to new metadata metadata_clean <-filtered_seurat @ meta. ident. Assay. 7K" and "TCS. Take your subset matrix and pass that to CreateSeuratObject for a new object. data. We will then map the remaining datasets onto this 0. This tutorial implements the major components of a standard unsupervised clustering workflow including QC and data filtration, calculation of Introductory Vignettes. Jun 11, 2020 · So I have a folder that contain the cells barcodes that I want to retrieve from my object, example: barcode. of. satijalab closed this as completed on Jul 17, 2020. gene >= 4) but I can't go from here to actually having two subsets and doing gene expression analysis between the two subsets May 19, 2023 · データの読み込みとSeuratオブジェクトの作成を一括処理. AddModuleScore. 2 participants. If the barcodes are a variable in the additional data, you can do obj. You signed out in another tab or window. by() function. Michael Caponegro. name" Thank you so much! Graphs the output of a dimensional reduction technique on a 2D scatter plot where each point is a cell and it's positioned based on the cell embeddings determined by the reduction technique. Seurat aims to enable users to identify and interpret sources of heterogeneity from single-cell transcriptomic measurements, and to integrate diverse types of single-cell data. 0 - Guided Clustering Tutorial. Apply sctransform normalization. reference Mar 24, 2021 · Seurat v3. collapse. I am assuming you have successfully subset your object already based on what you wrote in your question. These variables, which contain information that is relevant at the cell-level but not at the sample-level, will need Sep 25, 2020 · Seurat是单细胞分析经常使用的分析包。. data slot, use AddMetaData to add the idents to the new Seurat object, and use SetAllIdent to assign the identities. data)[skin@meta. Dear all, i would appreciate a piece of advise please : shall we have a matrix of cells (by Drop-seq), after 3 treatments (PBS, Tr1, Tr2) , that are clustered in 10 clusters (below), how shall i extract the cells associated with Apr 4, 2023 · Hi everyone! I am experiencing an issue subsetting a Seurat object. The number of rows of metadata to return. wd = "/home/PTX_AAC656. cca) which can be used for visualization and unsupervised clustering analysis. A vector of features to keep. A vector of cells to keep. See argument f in split for more details. Usage. Drop unused levels. QC Filtering. 10 of them are "treated" and 10 are "untreated" (this info is also in metadata). 33 downsampleSeuObj. Seurat. 8 #> ATGCCAGAACGACT Sep 27, 2023 · or anyone familiar with Seurat: How would I subset an integrated seurat object down to multiple samples? I was able to subset an object to 1 sample using 1 of the the group IDs as shown below. for example cluster 1 has b cell, t cell , macrophage, , and the number of b cell is zero. ファイルパスのベクトルを使って、lapply文で繰り返し処理を行う。. Report the number of cells left for each sample, and comment on whether the number of cells removed is high or low. Nov 18, 2023 · as. Rather than sampling all cells with uniform probability, we compute and sample based off a ‘leverage score’ for each cell, which reflects the magnitude of its contribution to the gene-covariance matrix, and its importance to the overall dataset. Reload to refresh your session. assays. Logical expression indicating features/variables to keep. return. subset_by_meta. A few QC metrics commonly used by the community include. ident nCount_RNA nFeature_RNA RNA_snn_res. However, after doing this, several metadata features were missing like nCount_RNA, nFeature_RNA, and orig. 首先是从10X数据或者其他数据生成一个seurat对象(这里直接拷贝的官网的教程 Feb 27, 2020 · To perform DE between YFP-positive and YFP-negative cells you just need to add a YFP +/- classification to the metadata. use instead on cells in the SubsetData function, so the argument isn't being matched correctly in SubsetData. To test for DE genes between two specific groups of cells, specify the ident. View source: R/project_management. by parameter). # A single Seurat object or a list of Seurat objects. library ( Seurat) library ( SeuratData) library ( ggplot2) InstallData ("panc8") As a demonstration, we will use a subset of technologies to construct a reference. NOTE: When working with a SingleCellExperiment object generated from a Seurat object you generated for analysis of your own experiment, your metadata will likely include many more variables such as nCount_RNA, nFeature_RNA, etc. by() and split. Introductory Vignettes. We will then map the remaining datasets onto this Nov 18, 2023 · AddMetaData: Add in metadata associated with either cells or features. Subset Seurat Objects Usage Mar 6, 2022 · Hello! I am still in the early stages of learning R and Seurat and have come across an issue using subset. Seurat: Convert objects to 'Seurat' objects; as. SingleCellExperiment: Convert objects to SingleCellExperiment objects; as. With Seurat, you can easily switch between different assays at the single cell level (such as ADT counts from CITE-seq, or integrated/batch-corrected data). Eg, the name of a gene, PC1, a column name in object@data. 3M). I want to upload an excel file sheet that has certain barcodes that I would like to show on my umap. Graph</code>, <code>as Mar 29, 2023 · You should check the consistency of both your seurat object and the meta. RegroupIdents(object, metadata) Nov 16, 2023 · The Seurat v5 integration procedure aims to return a single dimensional reduction that captures the shared sources of variance across multiple layers, so that cells in a similar biological state will cluster. counts)) # create a Seurat object based on this assay pbmc3k_slim <- CreateSeuratObject (assay. Feb 22, 2024 · In whtns/seuratTools: Tools for Managing Seurat Objects. No one assigned. ident =="variable1") where I get a seurat object made up of just variable1-- though I'm not metadata = cluster_letters, col. For new users of Seurat, we suggest starting with a guided walk through of a dataset of 2,700 Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) made publicly available by 10X Genomics. AutoPointSize: Automagically calculate a point size for ggplot2-based AverageExpression: Averaged feature expression by identity class Mar 27, 2023 · In this vignette, we demonstrate how using sctransform based normalization enables recovering sharper biological distinction compared to log-normalization. The method returns a dimensional reduction (i. seurat. list <- SplitObject(pbmc_small, split. Seurat(). 5. 👍 1. I can separate this into: variable1 = subset (x= object, subset = orig. Subset a compressed Seurat Obj and save it in wd. Include features detected in at least this many cells. AddMetaData-StdAssay: Subset Seurat Objects Description. by = "group") Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace. Default is all features in the assay. Oct 16, 2019 · How to subset() or exclude based on cell ID/name (ex. The problem is, in my list the number of barcode are much more smaller than in my seurat object, so if I add this info to metadata The name of the metadata field or assay from the reference object provided. using a vector of cells names and values in the above functions gives the cells which express Gene 1 and Gene 2 and Gene 3. No branches or pull requests. Note that this single command replaces NormalizeData(), ScaleData(), and FindVariableFeatures(). To better control the behavior, you can use a "nested" ifelse(); you can have another ifelse() instead of the "GeneB_Pos" bit above. drop. By default, cells are colored by their identity class (can be changed with the group. Merge Seurat Objects. Cells( <SCTModel>) Cells( <SlideSeq>) Cells( <STARmap>) Cells( <VisiumV1>) Get Cell Names. # Add ADT data. I want to divide my data into two, one only have those two cells and another data without those two cells. Set cell identities for specific cells. You can do it with this function: Idents (your object) <- 'name of the column in meta. Analyzing datasets of this size with standard workflows can Apr 12, 2022 · 跟着Seurat团队学数学,从KNN到SNN到MNN到WNN,scRNA+时代与单细胞数据的统一场论。 注意这里的N 周运来就是我 阅读 4,447 评论 5 赞 10 using a vector of cells names and values in the above functions gives the cells which express Gene 1 and Gene 2 and Gene 3. These objects are imported from other packages. anchors, dims = 1:30) After running IntegrateData, the Seurat object will contain a new Assay with the integrated expression matrix. idents. 2 parameters. If NULL (default), then this list will be computed based on the next three arguments. So now that we have QC’ed our cells, normalized them, and determined the relevant PCAs, we are ready to determine cell clusters and proceed with annotating the clusters. clean anymore in subset or SubsetData, you'll have to subset and then use DietSeurat if you want to clean out old slots in the object. A vector of feature names or indices to keep. 1: AAACCTGAGAAACCTA. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Seurat 3. name: Parameter to subset on. This results in R becoming non responsive. x. Splits object based on a single attribute into a list of subsetted objects, one for each level of the attribute. setwd(wd) # load counts. Most functions now take an assay parameter, but you can set a Default Assay to avoid repetitive statements. data'. Load data and create Seurat object. 3 million cell dataset of the developing mouse brain, freely available from 10x Genomics. Mar 20, 2024 · In Seurat v5, we introduce new infrastructure and methods to analyze, interpret, and explore these exciting datasets. Low-quality cells or empty droplets will often have very few genes. gunion. 0. Essentially, what I need to do is to create an object that contains only a subset of the cells in the dataset for standard Seurat processing and analysis. var. data[[&quot;DF. data, `synIRI` = "other", `alloIRI` = "other") Idents(gunion. 今回はこれら9つのデータをmergeしたりintegrateすることを想定して Should be a data. Assignees. R Documentation. Subset a compressed Seurat object and save it in the working directory. Here, the GEX = pbmc_small, for exemple. Sep 19, 2022 · What you want to do is rename an Ident. Dear all, From original dataset, I subsetted it into two parts: One with cells expressing YFP gene YFP Seurat part 4 – Cell clustering. Development. Subset Seurat Objects. I am trying to convert a SingleCellExperiment object into a Seurat object and I did so using as. v5) pbmc3k_slim. Extra parameters passed to WhichCells , such as slot, invert, or downsample. Source: R/utilities. I am trying to subset the object based on cells being classified as a 'Singlet' under seurat_object@meta. DietSeurat() Slim down a Seurat object. To access feature-level metadata, simply use the double bracket [[ subset operator on the Assay objects, similar to access cell-level metadata on the Seurat object. data) [index. use. If pulling assay data in this manner, it will pull the data from the data slot. Note that the original (uncorrected values) are still stored in the object in the “RNA” assay, so you can switch back and forth. # Get cell and feature names, and total numbers colnames (x = pbmc) Cells (object = pbmc The BridgeReferenceSet Class The BridgeReferenceSet is an output from PrepareBridgeReference. 2: AAACCTGAGAAAGTGG. Merge the data slots instead of just merging Setting to 20. Jul 7, 2021 · I have a Seurat object of 8 patients. model. Idents(gunion. cells. I got those manually. To add cell level information, add to Nov 16, 2023 · The Seurat v5 integration procedure aims to return a single dimensional reduction that captures the shared sources of variance across multiple layers, so that cells in a similar biological state will cluster. group. use: A vector of cell names to use as a subset. Save() downsampleSeuObj. Oct 31, 2023 · In Seurat v5, we introduce support for ‘niche’ analysis of spatial data, which demarcates regions of tissue (‘niches’), each of which is defined by a different composition of spatially adjacent cell types. This is my metadata The name of the identites to pull from object metadata or the identities themselves. e. AddSamples. I have tried: #create Seurat object from sparse R matrix data. y. Apr 13, 2020 · Feature-level metadata is associated with each individual assay. 32 downsampleSeuObj() downsampleSeuObj. 5 & PC_1 Mar 29, 2023 · skin_subset <- subset(skin, subset = "predicted_cell_type" == "0:CD8 T cell") Lastly, you can use the colnames and metadata. One way to add metadata back to the original object is the following: By default, Seurat performs differential expression (DE) testing based on the non-parametric Wilcoxon rank sum test. skin_subset <- skin[ , rownames(skin@meta. Save. # create an assay using only normalized data assay. You can set feature-level metadata using the double bracket [[<- assignment operator or AddMetaData on an Assay object. This is related to subsetting on multiple values of a discrete metadata field, in the case someone (accidentally or not) uses the == operator instead of % May 15, 2019 · pancreas. null = FALSE, ) # S3 method for Seurat. This requires the reference parameter to be specified. Calculate module scores for featre expression programs in single cells. mca. 1 and ident. I want to remove it and show the rest of I am having the same issue as well. table(Idents(BC3)) BC01 BC02 BC03 BC03LN BC04 BC05 BC06 BC07 BC07LN BC08 BC09 BC10 BC11 . subset. For example, useful for taking an object that contains cells from many patients, and subdividing it into patient Name of variable in object metadata or a vector or factor defining grouping of cells. Takes either a list of cells to use as a subset, or a Mar 21, 2022 · For example, Can we filter cells with high gene A expression vs cells with low gene A expression, then analyze differential gene expression between these two cell subsets? I found subset(x = my. ‘Sketch’ a subset of cells, and load these into memory. AddMetaData. Can be any piece of information associated with a cell (examples include read depth, alignment rate, experimental batch, or subpopulation identity) or feature (ENSG name, variance). #> PC_ 5 #> Positive: MYL9, PARVB, IGLL5, TREML1, AKR1C3, PGRMC1, HLA-DPB1, S100A9, TUBB1, PF4 #> Negative: VDAC3, RP11-290F20. # Subset Seurat object based on identity class, also see ?SubsetData subset (x = pbmc, idents = "B") subset (x = pbmc, idents = c ("Naive CD4 T", "CD8 T"), invert = TRUE) # Subset on the expression level of a gene/feature subset (x = pbmc, subset = MS4A1 > 2. In Seurat v5, we introduce new infrastructure and methods to analyze, interpret, and explore these exciting datasets. Feature or variable to order on. v5 <- CreateAssay5Object (data = log1p (pbmc. Seurat is an R package designed for QC, analysis, and exploration of single-cell RNA-seq data. We also introduce simple functions for common tasks, like subsetting and merging, that mirror standard R functions. Regress on UMI count data. CreateSCTAssayObject() Create a SCT Assay object. Which assays to use. So the new groups would be the unique values from the column you choose. Jul 16, 2020 · you can assign new 'clusters', according to a column in your meta. Dec 27, 2020 · Seurat取子集时会用到的函数和方法. I want to use the FeaturePlot tool to plot the counts on my UMAP so I can see where the high counts are via the color gradient. This vignette will give a brief demonstration on how to work with data produced with Cell Hashing in Seurat. The steps below encompass the standard pre-processing workflow for scRNA-seq data in Seurat. ちゃんと書いたら長くなってしまいました。. save. Here whatever cell that is in the All_Samples_GeneA_Pos object would be GeneA_Pos and whatever is not GeneB_Pos. These represent the selection and filtration of cells based on QC metrics, data normalization and scaling, and the detection of highly variable features. We don't have do. See also the Clustree approach for determining the optimal resolution. add. cells, j. and. i, features. [: object x with features i and cells j. I am trying to make a DimPlot that highlights 1 group at a time, but the colours for "treated" and "untreated" should be different. Arguments. data file. thresholds = 6 ) head(x = FetchData(object = pbmc_filtered, vars. When I try to include multiple samples, it doesn’t work. A Seurat object. This tutorial implements the major components of a standard unsupervised clustering workflow including QC and data filtration, calculation of Name of variable in object metadata or a vector or factor defining grouping of cells. We can also convert (cast) between Assay and Assay5 objects with as(). See the subset function documentation for information about removing cells from a Seurat object I need to show the number of cell types per cluster in the heatmap but I don't want zero cell types in my heatmap. 4: AAACGGGCACTGTGTA. ## Make subset of cells expressing FOXP3. features, i. data based on orig. Whether to return the data as a Seurat object. SplitObject(object, split. data <- RenameIdents(object = gunion. frame where the rows are cell names and the columns are additional metadata fields. A single Seurat object or a list of Seurat objects. [(x, i, j, ) Value. colnames(seurat_object) provides a vector of cell names in a given Seurat object. name. seurat对象的处理是分析的一个难点,这里我根据我自己的理解整理了下常用的seurat对象处理的一些操作,有不足或者错误的地方希望大家指正~. Jun 7, 2023 · From what I uderstood you question is already answered here: Add Metadata to Seurat Object. The below should work once you've changed your idents to 'orig. "AAACCCAAGCATCAGG_1" and "AAACCCACAAGAGATT_1"). scRNA-seqの解析に用いられるRパッケージのSeuratについて、ホームページにあるチュートリアルに沿って解説(和訳)していきます。. I want to subset from my original seurat object (BC3) meta. Applied to two datasets, we can successfully demultiplex cells to their the original sample-of-origin, and identify cross-sample doublets. data info. sparse: Cast to Sparse; AugmentPlot: Augments ggplot2-based plot with a PNG image. I want to add metadata to that so that I have origin of each cell. A character vector of length(x = c(x, y)) ; appends the corresponding values to the start of each objects' cell names. classification I am using this code to actually add the information directly on the meta. rds") mca. Analyzing datasets of this size with standard workflows can Mar 3, 2021 · Say I have a Seurat object called seur whose metadata includes a column named "count" (list of doubles) that displays how many time a certain cell appears. Sep 25, 2023 · 5 QC Filtering. metadata <- read. Follow the links below to see their documentation. At the moment UMAP just shows a bunch of cells while I want to color clusters by sample. Then extract the cell names followed by mutating a column in the original Seurat object metadata to mark these cells as positive. Inspired by methods in Goltsev et al, Cell 2018 and He et al, NBT 2022, we consider the ‘local neighborhood’ for each cell About Seurat. Mar 27, 2023 · Seurat allows you to easily explore QC metrics and filter cells based on any user-defined criteria. I have to add the metadata of a dataset to a Seurat object in a way that doesn't result in rows with empty values. object = pbmc_small, subset. I want to subset the object ( mca) based on expression of at least one of the genes in an array ( genes ). names as the Seurat metadata, usually the cell barcodes. How do I go about adding the file and linking it to the metadata? Below is my following code. integrated <- IntegrateData(anchorset = pancreas. Row names in the metadata need to match the column names of the counts matrix. In this vignette, we introduce a sketch-based analysis workflow to analyze a 1. Feb 14, 2018 · To subset on genes, you'll need to create a new Seurat object. We select a subset (‘sketch’) of 50,000 cells (out of 1. name = 'letter. Importantly, the distance metric which drives the Jul 22, 2019 · You can use subset on a Seurat v3 object the same way you'd use it on a data frame, including chaining subset terms. The metadata is in csv format and, because of the char Sep 2, 2021 · I have noticed some unexpected behavior for the subset function on Seurat objects. Seurat includes a graph-based clustering approach compared to (Macosko et al . I would suggest you also have a look at the Seurat Nov 29, 2019 · I have a Seurat object with 20 different groups of cells (all are defined in metadata and set as active. Sep 2, 2020 · To be clear: you can run ScaleData on a subset of the integrated assay when using log-normalized data but not when using SCTransform-normalized data. integrated. cells. After integrating the 2 Seurat objects "TCE. Default is FALSE. data table. <p>Creates a Seurat object containing only a subset of the cells in the original object. Mar 27, 2023 · Seurat Object Interaction. data) #to confirm the change has happened. If you use Seurat in your research, please considering Jan 8, 2022 · 1. 足ら Seurat object. For example, useful for taking an object that contains cells from many patients, and subdividing it into patient-specific objects. Add in metadata associated with either cells or features. data) <- 'orig. geneSO <- subset(so, subset = FOXP3 > 0) ## Get cell names. Using the same logic as @StupidWolf, I am getting the gene expression, then make a dataframe with two columns, and this information is directly added on the Seurat object. data Perform all of the same QC plots using the filtered data. scRNAseqデータが計9つあり、1つ1つ読み込むのは面倒である。. subset( x, subset, cells = NULL, features = NULL, idents = NULL, return. FilterSlideSeq() Filter stray beads from Slide-seq puck. timoast closed this as completed on Sep 7, 2020. First I extracted the cell names from the Seurat object. To transfer data from other slots, please pull the data explicitly with GetAssayData and provide that matrix here. R. by . Oct 31, 2023 · Seurat allows you to easily explore QC metrics and filter cells based on any user-defined criteria. SeuratObject AddMetaData >, <code>as. You can follow the immune alignment vignette for some guidance on how to perform this sort of between-group analysis. jf io gs wf ik xe gb cd po bo